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Hosea Bilyeu Family - Gospel
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Product Details
The 29th Annual Hosea Bilyeu Family Concert was themed for a musical journey through the Gospel - from the sovereignty of God on "Almighty" to the divine plan coming to fruition on "Let's Make A Baby King", the sacrifice of "His Life For Mine" and ultimately the promise that "He's Coming Back Soon".
Tracks (in order)
1. Almighty
2. Alll Because of Sin
3. Let's Make A Baby King
4. Just Preach Jesus
5. Didn't I Walk On The Water
6. Thanks To Calvary
7. Winds Of This World
8. He's Coming Back Soon
9. Diamond
10. His Life For Mine
11. In The Presence of Jehovah
12. Get Away Jordan
13. Almost Home
Bonus Track: I've Been Changed featuring Ella Bilyeu, Molly Rees, with Hosea & Debbie Bilyeu
Hosea Bilyeu Family - Gospel
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